Jonathan Eng serves as a pastor with Gateway Church in Austin, Texas and loves inviting others to pursue God’s heart for reconciliation and justice. When he and his wife Gloria aren’t chasing around their little one, they enjoy traveling, diving, and chasing their dogs, Squishy and Mocha. Stay connected at

Embracing Inconvenience
By Jonathan Eng

“You know you’ve made it into the Mann family when you start washing Ziploc bags to save some plastic.” I laughed at my brother-in-law as we both stared at the dripping Ziploc bags hanging from the kitchen sink handle.

Deconstructing Borders
To Embrace a Vietnamese Kind of Love
by Jonathan Ng with Vincent Le

"OVER THESE PAST couple of years, thinking about Ferguson and learning terms like 'white supremacy' have changed the way I interact with my parents."

Seeing Through New Eyes

PARALYZED, I WATCHED in the distance as my twin brother was grabbed by the throat and hoisted into the air. As his feet dangled above the ground and his body was pinned against a tree, I stood still.